
Currently we have two types of order forms: one for the PhiC31, P-element and RMCE services, and one for the CRISPR injections.

PhiC31, P-element and RMCE

Interested in these services?
Initiate your order by following the steps below.
Download the general Excel order form here.
(Please fill out the form electronically.)
Send the filled-out form to the following email address:
Send your construct samples together with a print copy of your order form to the following address:

FlyORF Injection Service
University of Zurich
DMLS OST, Y55 K 06
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zurich
, Switzerland

Please take care that your DNA sample tube is properly labeled and the lid is closed and sealed with parafilm or similar.


Interested in our CRISPR services?
Initiate your order by following the steps below.
Download the CRISPR Excel order form here.
(Please fill out the form electronically.)
Send the filled-out form to the following email address:
Send your construct samples together with a print copy of your order form to the following address:

FlyORF Injection Service
University of Zurich
DMLS OST, Y55 K 06
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zurich
, Switzerland

Please take care that your DNA sample tube is properly labeled and the lid is closed and sealed with parafilm or similar.